Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The real meaning of Jihad

These here are only my thoughts and opinions on a given day, they are not absolute truth and I may even change my mind about what I think after you guys, the readers, have commented. I am not blogging to teach, I am blogging to learn and share thoughts. For me to be strait jacketed into what I last said would be to hinder my freedom of thought, and I would love to promote freedom if and where possible! Here are my thoughts on Jihad...they may be wrong...but...

Jihad is striving for justice, and war committed in the name of Jihad must fit the criteria of a 'Just War." To resort to violence in the path of Jihad when other means are available to promote Adl (Justice) and Rahman (mercy), the originally intended purposes behind the noble concept of Jihad, is a grotesque abuse of the intention and spirit of Jihad. (Note: I am not saying it is wrong to resort to violence when necessary for protection - but the way of Islam is to seek to prevent oppression through dialogue before resorting to violence.) The unnecessary violence and suffering perpetrated in the name of Jihad is un-Islamic, a vile exploitation and degradation of the grand Islamic quest for the restoration of the dignity of oppressed humanity. If fighting is demanded to protect, then you would not be a true, merciful Muslim not to fight. Cowardice and refusal to fight in such circumstances is a very grave sin in Islam., The Holy Prophet (SAW) prayed that we would take refuge in Allah to protect us from the heinous sin of cowardice.

But only when violence is necessary can it be called a legitimate Jihad.

Jihad is derived from the Arabic jhd, which implies the meaning 'to strive from the depth of one’s utmost being, to exert oneself with all ones might.' When the Qur’an mentions Jihad, it is preceded by 'fisabilAllahf (in the path of Allah SWT). The ‘struggle’ often did take the form of physical warfare in the time of the Prophet (SAW), but its purpose and meaning were far deeper than the actual act of war. Jihad was a sacred path of struggle, whole hearted devotion to the quest for the realization of the Rahmat’Allah, the Mercy of Allah for all humanity. Bukhari and Muslim states that our Nabi’ (SAW) said that dying of plague was also a form of Shahada (in this context – martyrdom). Jihad was here so eloquently expressed as a struggle within one’s own self. Later on we hear that ‘the greatest Jihad is Jihad Al Naffs (Jihad against one’s own selfish desires). Classical scholars argue that the hadith of ‘Jihad Al Naffs is the greatest struggle’ lacks reliable isnad (chain of narration) but that does not change the fact that the idea is expressed eloquently in many Sunnah which are Sahih (reliable). For example, we read many times in Bukhari and Muslim that a person who can control his own anger is the best wrestler, not the one who can beat his opponent down.

Al-Qital is the Arabic word in the Qur’an for warfare, and it was a tragedy that Al-Qital became the way Jihad was expressed only due to the violent nature of the tribal society. In the Jahilya (time of ignorance or darkness) many children were being killed because they were considered burdens; you had to kill to prevent your own women and children and other women and children from being killed; to refuse to fight was to put your entire family or loved one’s to death, people were being tortured for being Muslim, or for many reasons. Sirah (Islamic history) reveals that the Prophet (SAW) did everything in his power to change people’s violence and brutality without using violence. He himself was bullied and tortured expressing compassion and acting as a shield for others, his path was one of non-violent self sacrifice for the wellbeing of others. Violence was strictly a last resort when all other means had been thoroughly exhausted to prevent death and torture of the masses at the hands of the tyrannical few.

The self defence aspect of warfare is expressed here in the Qur’an.

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (2:190-192)

The merciful aspect of fighting in the Qur’an is best expressed by Surah 4: 75,
“Why should you not fight for those men, women and children who cry ‘Our Lord rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors, send us one who will protect!”

In depth study by scholars reveals that even the so called aggressive verses which do not appear to be fighting in self defense were against war mongerers who would not relent, those who would not stop oppression and murder, and threats. As the Ummah rose up against the exploitative, degrading, dehumanizing economic power base of Pagans, Jews and Christians, it came to be that to be a Christian or a Jew or a Pagan meant you were charged with a duty to kill Muslims.

Jihad was a sacred path, how it was used, exploited and abused after the time of the Rasul – Sallalahu Alahi wa Salaam, is a different issue, but the point is, Jihad was not about fighting physically though it was expressed as such due to context.

Even the emphasis on Jihad being physical warfare by Sheik-ul-Islam Ibn Tamiyya years later has to be seen in the light of the extent of Mongolian brutality towards the Muslims.

Indeed, Jihad is a duty all Muslims must fulfill; Jihad is the essence of true Islamic dignity. But to use violence to struggle for a dignified humanity when other means are available is an abuse of Jihad. It is never a good thing when something Allah created suffers.

It is deeply tragic that many of the oppressed in Afghanistan, Palestine and other parts of the world have been so beaten down by suffering, tragic loss, violence and torture over the years that violence is the only Jihad they know. With the oppressed, we must all strive to have have some sense of Azhabbiya (solidarity), to share their pain as much as we can in our hearts and to do what we can practically to help end their suffering, and the suffering of all. I make Du'ah that there would be healing, and that there would be paths created so that justice could be achieved without violence. The most tragic aspect of the violence is that it defeats its own purpose in these parts of the world. The more violence is perpetrated against the oppressor's, the more tyrannical the oppressor's in these parts of the world behave towards not only the violent, but towards the innocent children living where the violent are living.

It is also Jihad to fight drug addiction, to fight your own lusts and to work to become a better person. That is a Jihad all Muslims could embrace.

I hereby call on every Muslim voice in the world to condemn the violence done in the name of Jihad and to do everything one can to prevent this immense tragedy and humanitarian travesty!.


  1. what you call for in the name of jihad is a one sided thing that you do not know about fully.

    read the translation of quran fully. and read through the hadith books of rasoolulaah salah laah alaihi wasalam.

    Jihad is obligatory, at all times. Allah s.w in tawba surah "Do you consider the providing of drinking water to the pilgrims and the
    maintenance of Al Masjid al Haram as equal to the worth of those who
    believe in Allah and the Last Day, and strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah?
    They are not equal in the Sight of Allah. And Allah guides not those people who are
    the Zalimun" ayah 19

    who do you think you are trying to fool? you only fool yourself.

    Allah s.w says in surah Muhammad "..But when a
    decisive Soorat is sent down, and fighting is mentioned therein, you will see those in whose hearts is a
    disease looking at you with a look of one fainting to

    there is nothing as commendable as fighting for allah. while you so called believers pray and wet your eyes with tears, the believers shed their blood in the cause of allah.

    what you do is petty. only the trifling play of children. allah will debaise you and your lot who speak not knowing the truth.

  2. Xymet, I agree with you on every point, I said that Jihad is obligatory, as you also said! You said, "Jihad is obligatory, at all times" and I said, "Indeed, Jihad is a duty all Muslims must fulfill - I said Jihad is the essence of true Islamic dignity - a must"

    You said, Jihad is fighting, I also said that, we must all fight...We are not Muslim if we do not fight... But ask yourself, is physical violence the only form of fighting? No, their are other ways to battle... Also, please ask yourself, is spilling blood and causing oppression on children compatible with the Mercy of Allah? I think, Xymet, you have to study the Qur'an in context yourself!

  3. it is not even worth my effort discussing this with you.. but i'd just like to ask you this:

    do you believe that Maldives should maintain an army that trains its soldiers with REAL weapons and LIVE bullets??

    they are VIOLENTLY trained to KILL. but from your blogpost above, it's totally against Islam.

  4. what if Saudi Arabia were attacked by, say, Russia next month? i'm sure you'd then call Jihad, Jihad, Jihad from the top of your voice, bottom of your chest.. but, nay, even then you'd expect the US to come and help the Sauds remain in power...

    meanwhile you can keep your Azhabbiya in your pocket and sit in the the comfort of your a/c sitting room...

    meanwhile, you can light up a couple of candles on your window sill in solidarity with the 17 Iraqis that got butchered by US terrorists in Nisour Square...

  5. FIRAS!! GUYS!

    Please read the post before you ask questions that are answered in the post...please don't say I said things I did not say

    , I said fighting, warfare IS allowed as a last resort to protect...to say physical fighting is wrong under all circumstances is not Islamic, is not even Merciful, is not even sensible!!

    so, if Saudi were attacked, then Jihad is permissible if it were genuinely to save lives...

    it is not wrong to be violently trained to kill, it is wrong to use that training when not neccessary.. but war has to be JUST!!! Read my post properly

    MNDF training is necessary...and yes, they must be prepared to protect if it need be, as I said!!!

    Fighting, warfare, is a FORM of Jihad but not the ONLY form, refusal to use violence and war when it is necessary to protect is cowardice, and cowardice is Haram...Refusal to be violent when necessary is a lack of simple humanity and love...

    read the post properly, please,,,

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hey now... no need to be all defensive... yes if Saudi, Egypt or Kuwait were to be attacked, THEN only jihad becomes compulsory... not any other islamic land, not iraq, not afghanistan, not chechnya... so you need not worry about jihad for a long long time to come, coz it is the US that sustains and protects the oppressive regimes of Saudi and Egypt.. therefore there is no threat of an attack.. we'd never have to use your LAST RESORT...

    but thanks for acknowledging the importance of jihad, in its true meaning!!

  8. On consideration, Firas, you are correct...

    It is interesting that any war can be justified with facts and figures shown from a perspective, so for me to imply Jihad in that part of the world is unjustifiable is actually fairly Munaffiq of me, hypocritical...

    Only Allah can judge the Niyat, the intention of the Qulp, all I really could say with any authority is that if someone feels fighting in a certain place is necessary to protect, that they do there best not to target children and women, as that is absolutely Haram - their is a specific amr which sets limits in war and all of the Madhab's (schools of thought) have said that.

  9. Firas, These here are only my thoughts and opinions on a given day, they are not absolute truth and I may even change my mind about what I think after you guys, the readers, have commented. I am not blogging to teach, I am blogging to learn and share thoughts. For me to be strait jacketed into sticking to what I last said just because I can't be seen to be weak is imprisoning my mind. It would be to hinder my freedom of thought, and I would love to promote freedom if and where possible! These are my thoughts on Jihad...they may be wrong...but...

  10. first of all, let me make it clear the killing civilians is NOT jihad.. not even the fruit-bearing tree can be harmed during war.. collateral damage cannot be justified in jihad, where as the murderous western armies famously don't do body counts after bombing rampages on civilians...

    i don't know the purpose of your blog... but the purpose of this particular blogpost in its context is clearly to undermine the importance of jihad and those who had the courage to abandon their worldly gains and travel abroad to uphold the .. it also delivers the message that islam is just another "peace-loving, non-violent" religion like buddhism or christianity with no mandate to defend itself and its people against tyranny and aggression..

    your entire article plays right in to the hands of western media that labels every mujahid (jihadist?) who opposes the US and Nato soldiers as either taliban, alqaeda or someone who'd blow himself up along with many innocent civilians..

    you are simply reiterating the typical, politically motivated stand taken by our own sheikhs (copied from the Saudi clerics), ie. that jihad is not fighting, that jihad is best done with a pen, jihad is done against oneself.. you're denouncing the struggle (jihad?) of the occupied and of those that joined them in their struggles, not with candles and red roses, but with flesh and blood, in person..

  11. Firas, I do not denounce the courage, or their Niyat, only Allah can judge that,

    I denounce the aggression and greed of the Western world wholeheartedly...

    But does going their to fight from another nation make the situation any better for the oppressed?

    Also, you have misunderstood the purpose of my blog post, as underneath everything I am opposed to the greed and aggression fuelling this suffering, and when I was denouncing those that go to these places to suffer, I was also denouncing the greed and aggression of the western world, as at a deeper level within myself this call to refrain from violence is coming from a deep seated feeling I have for an end to greed and aggression fullstop, and that goes more for western greed because it is that which is the greed that fuels it... The first ppl who need to have a Jihad Al-Naffs is the greedy oil hungry money hungry oppressors fuelling this war...

    For a discussion not worth having (as you said in your first comment here) you've certainly said alot, but you are welcome and I am very greatful that you did.

  12. ahaa... another nation? so maldivians can act ONLY if/when maldives is attacked eh?...

  13. Firas,

    If I thought that there was a chance that the fighting the Taliban or the modern Mujahudin are conducting in Afghanistan, Pakistan was going to have a positive end for the Afghani people and that it was a refusal of mercy for the Afghani people for Maldivians or anyone not to fight for them, I would loudly say go and serve the Afghani people, go and fight. As it is , this conflict is just tragic, going their to encourage it is making life harder for the ppl of Afghanistan and Pakistan because it is adding, giving legitimacy to suicide bombers and to those who harm civillians. The fighting as it is is increrasing the suffering, and it is the suffering of the Afghani's I wish to see ended in that conflict...

    It depends... It depends on the circumstances, at the

  14. LOL!.


    Listen, Abdul Rahman. Jihad was originally considered "defense war"; Mohammed's followers were apparently besieged even after the Exodus.

    All you islamofags, ask yourself this; Is beating and brainwashing a child to carry out suicide attacks against fellow muslims/ helpless citizens considered "Jihad"?. The hardened jihadi wannabe will probably say yes - and this is why these "Talibans" need to be exterminated with extreme force.

    They are a threat to the existence of our race. Any one who threatens our children with slavery deserves no respect or tolerance; they only deserve to be on the receiving end of a nuclear bombardment.

  15. shadowrunner.. i understand your frustration for not being able to exterminate these "Talibans" like you had exterminated the Aborigines, Indians, Africans and many other indigenous ppl across the globe..

    but then, a nuke might exactly be what's needed to wake the followers of Mohamed up from their deep sleep and realise the seriousness of the situation...

  16. Firas,

    You are correct in stating that it is the height of vanity and selfishness to preach non-violence from the comfort of an airconditioned home. I admire your sense of justice and humanitarianism which comes through very strongly in your words. More should have that.

    It is vein to speak of peace when we are not the ones whose children are being slain, when we are not the ones with nothing to live for except the hunger for a dignified death which drives the force of life. Perpetual grief, physical and emotional torment, loss of an unimaginable magnitude, love is gone, only hate can be there.

    For the oppressed, human dignity is more important than life or death itself. Death with dignity (as defined by Islamic struggle) is but entrance into paradise for those who are deeply prayerful. Life for many is but a painful yearning for the bliss of Jannah, perpetual hunger for eternal paradise. Sadly, for the deeply oppressed, life in this Dunya (this world) is but a bitter weeping for what lies beyond the grave, being that hope for happiness in this world is continually shattered by the barbaric cruelty of the tyrants.

    All that is left, for some, is anger. The demand to die with dignity and self respect is the all consuming passion of many. This implies a stand against injustice no matter what suffering, violence or destruction such a stand may involve.

    So, yes, I agree, we would be selfish not to help, not to intervene, but please, do you really think that adding to the violence which is a self re-enforcing cycle is helping? I feel that under the circumstances, civil and non-violent resistance in these parts would be more effective in bringing about change. Such would be less destructive for the oppressed and would do more to turn public opinion of all Iraqi's against the US tyranny. Non-violent resistance is NOT passivity. It must be confrontational nd public. It works in that it reveals the moral strength of the victim, it exposes the cruelty, the inhumanity of the tyrant and declares the evil of the oppressor loud and clear. When an oppressed individual is bullied though he is not a threat, it makes the tyrants look like evil cowardly bullies. This causes them to lose the respect of all, they are no longer obeyed, and lose the will to rule.

    That, to me, would be a Jihad worth doing, a sacrifice and an offering of suffering which has value...

  17. Shadowrunner,

    well well well, we are the quiete achiever now aren't we? Exterminating the Indians, the Aboriginals and Africans and other indigenous people's all by yourself?

    Come on Firas, shadowrunner is a guy who cares alot about his fellow Dhivehin and has written alot for their minivan, to label shadowrunner as an exterminator of indigenous races is a little too harsh.

  18. "When an oppressed individual is bullied though he is not a threat, it makes the tyrants look like evil cowardly bullies. This causes them to lose the respect of all, they are no longer obeyed, and lose the will to rule."

    AR... MY GOD!! keep on dreaming.... it really does require a NUKE to wake you up!!

  19. Firas,

    When I say, non-violence, I mean, non-violent RESISTANCE!! I mean, civil disobedience, and I did not dream it, I saw it WORK! Anni did it, Gandhi did it, Martin Luther King did it! It works!

    The way I said it simplified it, but, the point is, the non-violence is fused with the power of resistance, and resistance is powerful!

    In fact, I would say that you are dreaming to think that violence could be a solution when it makes things worse. The Afghani Mujahidin beat Russia before because the whole country of Afghanistan supported Afghanistan and they got a lot of support from USA And Al-Mamlaka Al Arabiya Al Sauddiya, but the resistance in Iraq, PAlestine and Afghanistan as it is is making matters worse.

  20. The Negroid, the Caucasian, the Indian and the Asian - and every race across the world all suffer from a collective disease that has been spreading unchecked.

    This disease has culled fathers, mothers, children and infants alike, leaving broken families, bereaved orphans and disemboweled societies.

    This disease is called terrorism, and are vectored by criminals hiding behind Islam to continue their savagery against all races, in a bid to expand the sphere of Islamic Tyranny. They defend themselves with fear and intimidation, and spread with violence and cruelty.

    Go to Sudan and ask how the negroid locals feel about their so-called "Islamic overlords"; Freed from fear, they will tell you that they need to be destroyed. Go to Pakistan and ask the small boy who was rescued from the Taliban. He will show you the scars on his back and tell you that the terrorists are criminals and Islam's enemies.

    I am not alone.

    Maldives will never be another breeding ground for expendables; by pen and word, by gun and bomb, I will fight them. Laugh if you must, Firas - I'm glad weak-willed people denounce my path still; the honor of writing a new page of history only belongs to the strong, the courageous and the determined... not to weak-hearted "wannabe liberals" and pacifists.

    You see, this is history in the making. The age of fear is ending. Destroy the semite world tyranny, and a new age of peace will bless the world. We will spearhead that destruction.

  21. i think i'm back to square one... but thank you for highlighting the basic point here.. ie. the Saud Family's deal with the US to protect their kingdom.. so never expect them Sauds to issue a fatwa opposing any US massacre, anywhere... you simply have to see the initial fatwas issued by the Sauds during the israeli bombardment of lebanon in 2006.. the public outcry AND the retraction of these fatwas..

    non-violent resistance works well if the western terrorists planted roses in your backyard instead of bombing you from air, land and sea... it works well if they built you schools, hospitals and homes instead of driving you out of your own home and then demolished it... it works great when you're not abducted from your bed at night and sent to a secret prison to be tortured...

  22. what shadowrunner said is correct, when the terrorists are the oppressed and the victims, they look like the innocent, but when they gain power in Sudan or elsewhere, their true evil nature is exposed. Thankyou for that insight shadow runner and it was eloquently expressed.

  23. Firas, although you helped me understand alot about how difficult my position is, i stick to it

  24. your position is not difficult, AR... in fact, it is the easy position to take, amid the barrage of mainstream media AND fatwas labeling jihad and any resistance to US and its allies as terrorism.. yes, it does not help the cause when a bomber strikes at a market place.. but there's an increasing amount evidence that most of these suicide bombings are carried out by groups that are on CIA payroll..

    i totally agree with you about the situation in sudan, yet the shadowrunner points the finger back at his liberal self as the mighty western armies, dominating the world today, carries out, arms and funds every single massacre across the globe... then again, it is to promote freedom and, of course, liberty...

  25. Firas, hope you read this my last point...

    The liberty of the working classes of the world is at odds with the liberty with the middleclasses, the owners of businesses. I read a book by an African American sociologist who said that the term "liberty" in the Western world came meant you were not a slave but a slave owner if you were free... So yes, what is meant by liberty in my context is the liberty of the opressed and the working classes of the world. I believe there should be justice for Maldivian workers like the resort workers union is pushing for as well as for, dare i say it, the Bangladeshi ex-pat's.

    By liberty, I mean that noone should live in fear. Yet in particular I have the working classes and even the "under-classes" in mind, those who are too sick to work, those who may be physically or mentally unwell for whatever reason. I burn with a fierce passion to see justice, to see liberty for the oppressed...

    The Muslim terrorist is well publicized, and should rightly be struggled against. But the brutal, dehumanizing, degrading manner the workers of the world are treated by the "liberals' who run oil companies or businesses of any sort make the economic liberals also terrorists in my opinion, I have been brutalized by their terror also.

    i am very sure that what shadow runner has in mind is the liberty of the down trodden...

    I have seen your posts and I love your photography, and I noticed you had some stats about capitalism. I enjoyed that alot.


  26. have you watched the documentary Jenin Jenin? if not, i strongly recommend you to.. i don't take pics just for the sake of taking beautiful pics.. this is the kind of thing i do: http://www.flickr.com/photos/firax/2692206780/
    (btw that pic also applies to this discussion coz you'll have an idea of how a "terrorist" was, and still is, defined in the West)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.
